Welcome to
Endeavour Academy

A Free School providing, safe, supportive care for young people experiencing social and emotional issues in mainstream education.

Overview of provision

Endeavour Academy is a Free School based in Peterlee, which provides personalised education to KS4 students (Year 10 & 11) referred from across the North East region.

Delivering a combined Core and Vocational curriculum with an alternative approach to learning, the provision is specifically aimed at students who suffer from heightened anxiety, or those experiencing other social and emotional issues which impact on engagement and attainment within a traditional school environment, often leading to prolonged non-attendance.

The small, safe, nurturing environment alleviates many barriers, and allows for well trained staff to empower learners who attend to do well academically, socially and emotionally. Support from staff is extended to the wider family network to form an effective partnership between home and school.

"I am so proud of myself. I feel like I now want to focus on a career path where I could make a difference. With the support I received from the staff at the school, I am excited to see what I can achieve. I am grateful to everyone who believed in me here at Endeavour Academy."
Former Endeavour Student
"I am glad that I was referred to Endeavour. I am much happier than I was before. Mainstream is not for everyone, and people like me benefit from the smaller school where all of the staff are trained to understand your needs and who can support you to do well."
Current Endeavour Student
"The transformation within my life since attending Endeavour fuels my determination to support others. I once felt like there was no point and there was no way out of the rut that I was in, but I am now proof that this is not the case, and that with the right support things can change."
Former Endeavour Student

Working in Partnership with Local Schools

At Endeavour Academy, we work closely with many schools and agencies across the North East to provide a personalised curriculum to KS4 students whom have struggled within mainstream education due to their individual needs. 

We advise that schools carefully read through our Admissions policy and discuss a Service Level Agreement prior to referrals being made. 

Any school hoping to have a child attend Endeavour Academy is advised to discuss and gain consent from the young person and their parents / carers before making a direct referral and sharing information. 

All students will be asked to complete a 6 week transition trial period and if deemed appropriate, students will then move to Endeavour School roll (single registration). 

We very much value the work carried out by mainstream schools and look to be an extension of the support they provide to a young person whom requires a bespoke educational programme such as ours, and we are on hand to support throughout the referral process should this be required. 

Endeavour Academy Curriculum

Within our smaller, nurturing environment, with a higher staff to student ratio, learners feel safe and well supported to access their education.  Endeavour Academy staff aim to develop core skills in essential subjects such as English, Maths and Science, Citizenship, ICT, PHSE, Physical Education and more. All students accessing the provision have the opportunity to expand their capabilities even further with access to a variety of vocational course areas in association with East Durham College, including but not limited to Sport, Hair and Beauty, Technical areas and Art.

Our Personal Development is held with the same regard as is the Core Curriculum and staff work to empower all learners with the skills to support themselves and others, through effective use of MECC (Making Every Contact Count) and Restorative Practice skills, support in managing their own emotions, behaviours and needs and learning how to deal with and support those around them too.

Intent on supporting young people reengage in education, working towards a brighter future, the school work in collaboration with the Skills Builder Hub, to develop the 8 essential skills for employment. The programme supports all aspects of learning, raises individual aspiration, resilience and self esteem.

For more information on the curriculum on offer to Endeavour Academy students, please click the button below.

Safeguarding at Endeavour Academy

Endeavour Academy is committed to ensuring the safety of all our pupils and providing a supportive learning environment which promotes the security and wellbeing of all students and staff, both inside and outside of the school environment.

Staff are well trained to identify triggers, risks and concerns and work quickly and effectively to provide early help and intervention to reduce risk of escalation.

The provision works alongside partner agencies to communicate concerns and provide necessary support, empowering families to seek and make use of positive interventions to safeguard selves and others.

The school structure allows for non based classroom staff to offer bespoke interventions to meet individual and group needs and encourages wider family participation in external and internal workshops which prove beneficial.

If you would like more information, you can download a detailed copy of our full safeguarding policy at Endeavour Academy by clicking the button below.

Graded as GOOD by Ofsted

We are very proud to have achieved an overall Good rating from Ofsted during our last inspection in 2018, with an Outstanding rating for Personal Development, Behaviour & Welfare.

What’s Happening at Endeavour?

We regularly post updates to our news section with the amazing things our students get up to here at Endeavour.

Click the button below to head straight there.