
Here at Endeavour Academy we offer a safe, caring and nurturing environment to young people who are experiencing SEMH issues (Social and Emotional Mental Health) such as anxiety, low mood, trauma, family issues and other external factors that may be impacting negatively on the students ability to engage and achieve in a mainstream setting. Often, students who experience issues such as these, struggle to cope in large groups, can develop a reluctance to attend or engage when in school and divert from academic work through inappropriate behaviour.

We have qualified Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) and all other staff are trained to Level 2 standard in Child Protection and other matters relating to Safeguarding.  All staff receive annual updates and refreshers as part of the staff CPD programme.  

All students are issued with a Student Safety Plan which they have attached to their lanyards and which contains useful telephone numbers and websites.  

Although the provision is based within the larger East Durham College Peterlee campus, we are committed to ensuring that students feel safe and secure at all times. The school day is specifically set to avoid busy periods, staff are positioned to welcome students on site and escort those who need support to the provision. The doors to the provision are secure at all times and no un-authorised visitors have access. Students are supervised throughout the whole day from the point of arrival until end of the day when students are escorted to the main exit.

Designated Safeguard Leads

The Designated Safeguard Leads are the Head of School, Kerrie Whelan and Deputy Head of School, Lesley Wood. Both can be contacted via the main school telephone number.


Reasons for absence are required, concerns around attendance will be reported to the Pastoral Team and may be referred to the Designated Safeguarding Lead.  Please contact Lesley Wood (Deputy Head of School -Pastoral) should you require support with this matter.


Endeavour Academy are very proud of the positive relationships we build with parents and Caregivers.  To achieve the best outcomes for our students is central in all of our work.  Should you require support please contact Lesley Wood (Deputy Head of School (Pastoral).


Endeavour Academy run the National Online Safety Programme (NOS).  Some of the areas covered in our curriculum include keeping safe online, consent and reporting concerns.  We also have education programmes for parents.  Should you be interested in finding out more please contact us.   

Safeguarding Policies

The safeguarding policy can be found within the main policy section of this website.  Please take time to view our safeguarding booklets below.  

Safeguarding information for parents document

Safeguarding information for students document

Safeguarding information for visitors document

Online Training Programme

Information regarding our Online Training Programme for students and parents/caregivers can be found by logging on to: