British Values & PREVENT

All schools are expected to focus on, and evidence, how educators work with students to effectively embed fundamental British values into our learning.

Endeavour Academy staff are passionate and proud to support!

The government set out their definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy, which they reinforced in September 2014. These regulations align with the requirements of the Equalities Act and are applicable to all educational settings.

At Endeavour Academy, compliance with these regulations is a fundamental expectation for all students and staff. We cultivate an environment where British values are modelled and promoted by our dedicated staff members. They actively seek out opportunities to acknowledge and incentivise the demonstration of these values, thereby nurturing a positive culture within our school and wider communities. By instilling the principles of British values, our aim is to equip our students with not just academic excellence but also the essential skills to thrive in a diverse and inclusive society.

As educators in the United Kingdom, it is essential to embed British Values within our teaching practices. The Department for Education outlines five key aspects of British Values:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance


These values serve as the cornerstone of our society, promoting understanding, cohesion, and respect for all individuals. At Endeavour Academy, we are committed to upholding these values through our curriculum and school ethos.

For more detailed information on British Values and the Prevent Duty, please click the link below to download the document. This resource provides valuable insights into the expectations and responsibilities we have as educators to nurture a culture of inclusivity, respect, and understanding within our school community.

We thank you for your continued support in promoting a safe and welcoming learning environment at Endeavour Academy.