Parent / Carer Support

Parents and carers are encouraged to work closely with Endeavour Academy staff to provide a safe, nurturing environment for each young person. We will ensure that regular contact takes place and ask that you attend all scheduled meetings and appointments set by school staff.

We ask that you inform us immediately of any changes to personal circumstances or contact information to ensure that in the event of an emergency we are able to act quickly and effectively.

Please see the below pages for more details:

Homework Support >>

Parents’ Feedback >>

Roller Coaster Parent/Carer Support >>

Parents’ Guide to Online Safety >>

2022-23 Parents, Carers & Students Attendance Support Interventions Booklet>>

Parent / carer advice from Young Minds UK

If you talk to your child about how they’re feeling, and they say something that concerns you, be honest and clear about how you see things and how you want to support them.

When responding, it can help to:

1/ Validate their feelings. You could say ‘it’s really understandable that you’re feeling…’ to let them know that their feelings are okay

2/ Thank them for sharing what’s going on and be encouraging about the way they’ve opened up

3/ Let them know that you love them, you’re there for them, they can talk to you whenever they need to, and you can help them get support if they need it

4/ Ask them if there’s anything you could do that they would find particularly helpful

5/ Spend time together thinking about what’s making them feel this way. It could be something at home or school, a relationship with a friend or family member or something else

6/ Let your child know about the helplines, text lines and online chat services that are available. Young people can find it difficult to talk and worry about upsetting their parents, so reassure them that it’s okay to open up to other people

7/ Remind your child that this is temporary. Reassure them that things can change and they can feel better

8/ Avoid conversations at the height of distress. It’s important to be there for them, but it can be more helpful to talk about the causes when things are feeling calmer

We completely understand the financial pressures faced by parents.  Durham County Council have dedicated an area of their website to signpost people to agencies and organisations who can support with financial matters.  Please also remember we are here in school to help.