Online Safety

As educators, it is paramount that we remain vigilant in supporting online safety. The school’s approach to this crucial matter is multifaceted. Firstly, we embrace the importance of early identification and prompt action when it comes to online safety issues. By closely filtering and monitoring students’ online activities, we can swiftly address any potential risks or concerns.

Additionally, we provide personalised interventions for students who may require extra guidance in understanding the nuances of online safety. Collaborating with professional partners, such as online safety organisations and mental health practitioners, allows us to offer comprehensive support to our students.

Moreover, our school has established a robust system for referrals, ensuring that any online safety issues are addressed promptly and effectively. By fostering a culture of vigilance and proactivity, we strive to create a safe online environment where our students can learn and thrive.

We acknowledge that parent/carer support is essential for ensuring online safety beyond school hours. We provide guidance and resources to empower parents/carers to continue promoting a safe online environment for our students. By working together, we can create a secure online community for our school and its stakeholders.

Endeavour Academy are proud work alongside the National College Online and have achieved Certified School status and accreditation for commitment to whole school professional development, Mental Health and Wellbeing.

The National College Online have produce guidance to assist parents / carers with online safety and screen addiction and have user guides for a wide range of online forums, devices etc.

Parents Guide to Home Internet Controls – click here >>

Screen Addiction – click here >>

Sadfishing (what parents need to know) – click here >>

Parents and carers are encouraged to take part in Online Safety Training through school.  

Please get in touch with our Family Liaison Worker should you have any queries.