
Endeavour Academy Curriculum Statement

A carefully planned and structured curriculum is the foundation upon which excellent learning and development is built. At Endeavour Academy we believe our curriculum has the attributes to deliver this.

The curriculum is carefully planned to ensure that content is thoroughly revisited so that learning ‘sticks’.

Whilst it undoubtedly prepares students excellently for external examinations there is a strong emphasis through the various elements on developing:

  • A ‘love of learning’.
  • The soft-skills required to be a productive member of the work force.
  • An understanding, through the careers programme, of the opportunities available to students once they leave school.
  • An understanding of ‘British Values’ and the implications for life in modern day Britain.
  • Students spiritual, moral, social and cultural learning.

Our curriculum is constructed on the following principles to support the above; namely that:

  • Acquiring subject specific knowledge is key for students to be able to solve complex problems.
  • Students need to practice the knowledge and skills they have learnt in lessons so that they can use them when they need.
  • Many opportunities are built into lessons to secure the needed to recall and retrieve previous learning, so that it can be embedded. This enables students to apply knowledge with increasing confidence.
  • Care is taken to ensure that students encounter the prior knowledge needed to access the curriculum before it is needed in class. This is achieved through careful curriculum planning (for example, ensure mathematical skills needed in science are taught in maths before they are applied in science) and through the tutorial programme which focuses on behaviour for learning themes (for example, independence and co-operation) to train students to become independent learners.
  • Development of language is the remit of all subjects.
  • All students should experience a careers education based on the Gatsby benchmarks that underpin a world class careers education.
  • The British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect of those with different faiths and beliefs are taught explicitly and reinforced in the way in which the school operates.
  • SMSC is embedded into tutorial and curriculum programmes.
  • Lessons develop resilience, they set high expectations for students; teach them to set realistic, achievable goals, and also how to reach out for help when needed. Staff nurture positive qualities, such as empathy, optimism and forgiveness, and give students a chance to use them encouraging students to develop a positive relationship with themselves and learn how to self-regulate.
  • All lessons develop computer skills and incorporate opportunity for students to develop computer literacy (for example refined internet searches, presentation of work or specific project based learning) with tutorials dedicated to promoting e-safety.
  • We are a restorative justice school preparing students for life by learning how to confront fears, and identify their own solutions to make amends.

Our Curriculum Statement Overview

We acknowledge that prior to admission, many students may have missed a substantial amount of school due to poor attendance.  We apply interventions to assist recovery of lost learning including scheduled one to one, small group and online facilities. 

The teaching of all subjects within the curriculum is fully compliant with our duties under the Equality Act 2010 and Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 as exemplified in our Equality and Diversity statement and objectives, the Academy SEND Policy and reported through the SEND Information Report.

Please see the curriculum statement overview Curriculum Statement Overview

English Language Curriculum

English at Endeavour Academy harnesses the creativity of our students and removes the shackles from their imagination. We explore a range of fiction and non-fiction texts that encourage genuine intrigue.

This term in English Language, there has been a focus on crime and punishment. Students have explored the different forms of punishment used in contrasting time periods.   We have analysed writer’s methods and summarised the similarities between the writer’s perspectives on forms of punishment, incorporating textual references and inferences. Furthermore, students have continued with the theme of crime and punishment, debating a topic that polarises opinion: capital punishment. Students were able to articulate their viewpoint and formulate counter arguments to opposing perspectives.

Students study a rich and challenging curriculum. From engaging with ideas from a wide variety of texts to opportunities for self-expression and creativity in both spoken and written contexts, studying English nurtures self-expression and reflective thought.  Students will encounter a range of literary genres and forms, ranging from Jacobean drama and courtly love poetry to a whole host of non-fiction diaries, essays, letters and autobiographies. We take a cross-curricular approach, encouraging students to think about the social, political and historical context alongside developing their own voice. As well as following the curriculum, students will be encouraged to read for pleasure, experiencing a diverse range of literature as a platform for exploring new ideas, developing critical thinking skills and learning more about the world around them. 

Maths Curriculum

Maths is a core subject and as such is studied by every student in the academy. Maths is an important part of daily life where qualities that are used in mathematics can be applied. Such as abstract or special thinking, critical thinking, creativity, reasoning and problem solving. Mathematics can even promote effective communication skills used in daily life.

Our curriculum is based on the national programmes of study and lessons are accessible to all students in the class to create opportunities and build familiarity and accuracy in techniques and to allow students to use their skills in everyday life. We cover a variety of topics that allow students to excel in their learning in different fields. Students know that when they come to lessons, they will be entering a positive environment for learning where they learn new techniques and challenges are accepted

Science Curriculum

At Endeavour Academy we believe that fostering an understanding of the world around us is a vital part of a young person’s development and education. As the last couple of years in particular have taught us, science is fast-changing and vital to our well-being. It is important that young people develop an appreciation of the relevance of science in society and the everyday in preparation for life in an increasingly scientific and technological world.

Citizenship Curriculum

Our main aim is to encourage students to develop ideas and beliefs and be able to justify their thoughts and opinions. We aim for them to leave Endeavour with the skills to verbalise and justify their beliefs, to be able to understand other perspectives and recognise the importance of tolerance, respect, individual liberty, and democracy. We recognise the importance of the British Values and work hard to make sure our learners do too.

Money and Finance Education Curriculum

Financial education is a programme of study that aims to equip young people with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to manage their money well. In September 2014 it became a statutory requirement for maintained schools in England to teach financial education in mathematics and Citizenship, making it part of the curriculum across the UK.

The shift towards an increasingly cashless society, and more financial products and services than ever before, is making it more difficult for young people to navigate their personal finances.

Students learn about becoming responsible borrowers and sensible savers, and leave school with the skills and appreciation of the need for financial planning throughout their life. Lessons prepare students through the development of core skills; critical analysis and evaluation, verbal communication (through classroom discussion) and written communication.

Supporting Curriculum Statement Documents

You can download all of our curriculum statement documents below using the links:

English Language Curriculum Statement >>

English Literature Curriculum Statement >>

ICT Curriculum Statement >>

Maths Curriculum Statement >>

Money & Finance Curriculum Statement >>

Personal Development Statement >> 

Science Curriculum Statement >>

Curriculum Statement Overview >>